Looking for a home is not an easy venture, but the art of selling one is also a journey littered with pitfalls and other challenges. The reason we are sharing this guide is to assist home-owners (both buyers and sellers) to avoid these bumps in the road. Guides to purchasing homes are on a multitude when you scour the internet, but selling a home is just as important. The joy in the faces of the people who purchase their first homes are reflected in the eyes of the people that allowed them to buy it. Here at the Dulcie Crawford Group (DCG), we are dedicated to ensuring that home-sellers have smooth and seamless transactions, with the help of my 25 years of experience. For this article, we will be making a comprehensive checklist for home-owners to make sure that their home-selling experience is easy, fast, and smooth.

As with all checklists, the first thing we have to do is make the list itself. For this list, let us limit ourselves to the 5 key factors a homeowner must consider to make sure that their home will sell easily, quickly, and seamlessly.

Know your market place

Knowing your local real estate market will assist you to better understand and compete in your market place. First, you must determine the highlights of your location and your community amenities, which would include recreational facilities, shopping, and the demographics of the people attracted to your community area. Identifying a Realtor that is an expert in your community is a key factor here so look for a listing agent that has a long history within the area and has successfully closed properties within the neighborhood and community area. For example, if your community caters to an active 55+ seniors community, it is best to communicate with an agent that has history and knowledge related to those. Las Vegas is full of various types of master-planned communities. Dulcie Crawford’s multiple years of experience and knowledge regarding the various master-planned communities of Las Vegas has allowed her to build a website that contains all of this information and is a great example of where you can obtain all this necessary information. 

First Impressions last forever

If your house looks unkempt at first glance, this will dissuade buyers from entertaining it as a possible option. Once you get them to visit, decorate your home and make it look presentable. Maybe you can plant some flowers in the yard, etc., to attract buyers towards your house. Once they get a good first impression, your house will stick in their mind as a possible option for them to buy. In today’s digital age, first impressions start on the internet. Digital material, such as photos and videos are the first representation of what buyers see when they look at your home. The goal is to outshine your competition and make sure that your house looks good. It is best to consult with good staging experts to create the most visually appealing pictures and videos possible. Dulcie Crawford is one such expert that offers staging and editing consultations for her potential listings

The Price is Always Right

Now that you know your target market, you should also have a general idea of how much they can be willing to pay for your house. If you set your price too high from the get-go, this will already discourage people from entertaining the thought of buying your house. It is important to know current market statistics and use this to your advantage when setting the right price for your house. Here at the Dulcie Crawford Group, we are regularly updated with these statistics via a monthly newsletter, and you can use these to remain well-informed and on-top of the competition . You can use this data if you plan on selling in the future.

It Pays to be On Top of your Paperwork

Homebuyers want purchases that are easy and quick. Buying a house is already a stressful affair and we don’t want to add to that. Make sure that all the necessary paperwork involved in the house-selling venture is ready beforehand. Make sure to collaborate with your Realtor or listing agent to complete all the necessary paperwork ahead of time so that you can create a smooth and seamless process for all parties involved. This also shows buyers that you are organized and a good business partner. 

Real Estate Experts are in their own Areas of Expertise

Las Vegas is a tough market to crack with its diverse neighborhoods and master-planned communities that offer various different lifestyles. It certainly is challenging if you are not an expert in this area of real estate. Hiring an expert in the industry is one of the smartest decisions you can make, as you can lean on their past experiences and expertise. Fortunately, Dulcie Crawford is such an expert that has navigated and assisted many sellers with the best marketing strategies to sell their homes for top dollar. As a native to Las Vegas, she has seen the growth and development of all these communities firsthand, making her one of the most qualified in the area.

Here at the DCG, we make use of the pre-listing strategy that is essential in getting an early upper edge on the competition, especially in today’s sophisticated market. With the help of a listing agent skilled in the art of Marketing. Dulcie utilizes the “Coming Soon” marketing plan, capturing the early interest of potential buyers already in the marketplace during our pre-marketing period. One of the unique marketing strategies we utilize is that we write individualized blogs for each “Coming Soon” property, tying them into the featured community page related to where the property is located. This optimizes the website for various search engines, ensuring that online traffic is generated towards each custom property blog and community article. Typically this marketing period occurs 10-14 days prior to the property becoming live in the market, which usually happens earlier than with other marketing agents. Therefore, once listed on the market there will be a high volume of showing traffic as a result. 

At the heart of the DCG is our very own Dulcie Crawford, who is an expert on all things Las Vegas Residential Real Estate. Her expertise of over 24 years in the industry assists clients in creating unique marketing strategies that provide advantages against the competition. She generates early and advanced interest on homes that result in a quicker sale and obtaining Top Dollar. She has a lot of happy reviews from both sellers and buyers that she has assisted in their home buying ventures, cementing her place for over two decades as one of the top-producing real estate agents within the Las Vegas valley. Here at the DCG, you are guaranteed a professional experience with expert guidance by our excellent staff. What are you waiting for?