Removing the Clutter and Anxieties of Home-Selling through Decluttering

Home-selling is not a simple affair, there are a lot of factors that you have to consider when deciding to put your home up for sale. When selling your home, one of the most important factors that you have to make sure of is that your home looks as good as it can be in order to invite potential sellers. However, when selling your home, it usually means that you are moving out of it. This means that one of the key steps when selling a home is to properly declutter it and move your stuff out of the way. There lies the problem, decluttering is not an easy task. This is where we will provide you with the best possible strategies to ensure that you will not have to deal with the anxieties involved in decluttering and see that your home becomes a good stage to set up a sale.

Strategy 1: Don’t hoard your stuff

This step begins before you even sell your house. Making sure that all the things inside your house are stuff that you actually use. People often hoard without realizing it, keeping stuff even though they provide little to no value. Of course, sentimental value is important and you don’t have to throw anything that means to you in that way. But this is where you have to reflect and determine whether you are keeping something because it holds sentimental value, or just because you are having a hard time letting go. Sometimes, the difficulty in letting go comes from the fear of something important to you being thrown away, but throwing them away isn’t the only thing you can do. There are multiple donation centers, for stuff like clothes, that you can go to so that the stuff that you let go of can go and help someone else in need.

Strategy 2: Choose the decluttering method that suits you best

Decluttering and being organized with your stuff is a very popular topic for discourse on the internet. There are already multiple methods that aim to help people on decluttering their stuff. One of the most popular methods in decluttering is the Marie Kondo method, where you keep the “things that bring joy into your life” and let go of the ones that don’t. This is a simple method, when looking at the things in your house, all you have to do is ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” She also recommends going through your objects categorically, instead of by room. Look at all of your objects, sort them into categories and then decide whether it sparks joy in your life, and if they don’t then you can let them go. Another is the four-box method. This method is just like Marie Kondo’s, where you sort things categorically, but the 4 categories correspond to four different boxes: trash, donate, keep, and relocate.

Strategy 3: Invest in the proper decluttering equipment

Oftentimes, cleaning is a menial task that feels like it’s too tiring for what it’s worth. What people don’t realize is that this is often brought about by equipment that aren’t good at what they do, or maybe they’re not suited for the job you’re using them in. The best equipment and appliances will make your lives ten times easier. Knowing which equipment will be able to help is also important, especially when determining which brands to buy. It is best to consult with experienced professionals as to which brands are useful and have longevity. Realtors have much experience when dealing with equipment and appliances, and they often have recommendations as to which of these are bang for your buck. For instances like this, it is best that you consult real estate experts with multiple years of experience in staging, they are often unsung heroes in this department. 

Strategy 4: Don’t go all the way, get yourself used to it

This is another step that needs to be done a long time prior to any house sale. When trying to improve your decluttering skill, you have to acknowledge that this is not something that can be developed overnight. This is something that you have to dedicate some time to. The skill of decluttering is something that eventually becomes a habit once you master it. Like with any skill that requires habit formation, you must dedicate around 28 days to develop it, which is the usual time required to develop one.

Take some time out of your day for decluttering, maybe start at 5 minutes, working your way up as you go. It is also advisable that you keep track of your progress and milestones, so that you can look back and use these as your motivations to keep pushing forward. To properly declutter and organize your home, it is best to start with organizing your mind. Make a checklist, dedicate five minutes out of your day, and eventually you will become a decluttering pro.

Now that your home is decluttered, you can now start dedicating your energy to staging your home so that potential buyers that visit it will see the true value of your home. Staging is another thing, it is entirely different from just mere cleaning and decorating. You have to ensure that everything is designed in a way that it will invite potential buyers. No matter how clean and organized your house, if it is not staged correctly it will not help in selling the house at all.

This is where we at the DCG can help. We are trained at multiple marketing strategies, including proper home staging. Our very own Dulcie Crawford is an expert on home staging, and is a professional on all things real estate. She is armed with almost three decades of experience in the Las Vegas real estate market, making her one of the most qualified to help you stage your house. She knows what most buyers want to see when they visit a home and she can help you use this to your advantage. Backed up by our multiple five-star reviews, you are guaranteed a professional experience with Dulcie Crawford. 

Dulcie Crawford is a native Nevadan, born and raised in Las Vegas. Dulcie stays current with market conditions and keeps continuously updated on market trends, legal reforms and financing so she can assist you in making informed decisions. A senior Realtor with Signature Real Estate Group, she has sold over 1,200 homes since 1998. You are assured a professional experience when buying or selling Real Estate with The Dulcie Crawford Group.